
The Eli Manning Rap Index - The Vent

While Tom Brady and Bill Belichick continue their path of football domination, Eli Manning remains the only quarterback to defeat them in a Super Bowl.

Throughout his career, Manning has been an above-average quarterback. He has climbed the all-time leaderboard for passing yards and touchdowns, but has thrown over 200 interceptions and has never been a top-tier quarterback in the league. On the whole, his career has been fairly unremarkable.

But for two Super Bowl runs, Eli Manning was elite. He led an underdog New York Giants squad to an upset victory over the most dominant team in football history in 2008 and succeeded against the Patriots again several years later in 2012.

Brady and Belichick may have built the greatest dynasty in football history, but Eli Manning will always have their number.

In hip-hop, there are a lot of Eli Mannings.

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Sometimes the rappers who so mercilessly upstage others are upstaged themselves. Sometimes, another emcee just has their number. These are the rap Eli Mannings.
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