NFL analytics survey: Teams using advanced stats most, least

[From ESPN]

Cleveland was only narrowly voted as the team that incorporates analytics the most into its decision-making, and some felt even if Cleveland was the most advanced organization, the Eagles actually incorporate the data more into their strategy -- you know, despite the team's high-profile error on fourth down at the end of its Week 2 "Monday Night Football" loss to the Falcons.

And though fourth downs are just one small piece of the analytics pie, the Eagles have ranked in the top five in terms of least total win probability sacrificed through fourth-down errors in each of the past three seasons, according to ESPN Analytics (ironic, perhaps, given that blunder on Monday).

Answers:Cleveland Browns (20), Baltimore Ravens (19), Philadelphia Eagles (19), Dallas Cowboys (9), San Francisco 49ers (6), Buffalo Bills (5), Detroit Lions (5), Minnesota Vikings (4) and 13 other teams received one or two votes


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SOURCE www.espn.com

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The Cleveland Browns are 1-1 with a precarious quarterback situation but still rank at the top of the NFL in one category: analytics. That's according to an ES…
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